Six Degrees of Deal Valuation
Imagine the payoff for legitimately boosting the value of your business by using the techniques professional asset managers use to produce outsized financial gains.
Whether you want to maintain ownership for future generations, have-your-cake and eat-it-too, or to plan for an eye popping exit, the six degrees of value apply for any type of deal and are well worth contemplating.
Valuation of the company varies significantly based upon the type of transaction and its structure along with the positioning for outlook and performance.
Six Degrees of Deal Valuation -
Perspective of Owner of Independent Private Company
The valuation of your company for a financing or sale or private buyback varies significantly. That range is driven by a combination of factors, the most important of which are the industry you are in, the competitive position of the business, the prospects for sustainable growth in cash flow and the capabilities of your management team. Here are some of the comparative areas deserving of serious thought as you sort through how the differences apply to your situation today and for the future:
We invite you to talk confidentially with us about your situation and what you would like to achieve. Contact our founder Patrick Hurley directly at 215-805-2093 or via email at on a no-obligation basis. Thank you.