MidMarket’s View: Strategic Acquisitions Today


Are you wondering whether your company can successfully complete a deal in this market? Could be the sale of a business, purchase of another or raising capital to cash-out a partner or take some chips off the table. We are here to answer that for you.

Corporate buyers are continuing to relentlessly scout for strategic acquisitions of independent private companies.  The Covid-19 virus will be overcome and the pressure for bigger operating businesses to supplement organic growth with acquisitions will remain with us.

Alongside the large corporate buyers, private equity firms which own or strongly influence thousands of operating businesses are pursuing add-on strategies to build their portfolio companies to boost returns upon exit.

The extraordinary period we are all dealing with has tested the mettle of management and the resiliency of the businesses they run.  Many have had setbacks while some have surged. 

Insightful long-term investors are looking past the short-term impact of the pandemic and the related current headwinds to see real value and they are willing to pay fulsome prices based on what they can do to drive future growth and efficiencies.

Our focus is on advocating for clients (be they seller or buyer, borrower or equity issuer) in negotiated transactions where strategic interests are clear and valuable.  We are not active in restructuring or distressed situations. 

If you are thinking about whether to begin discussions for the sale of a business or purchase of another, invite us to share our thoughts with you on what can be accomplished and how to best position yourself to achieve your goals.

MidMarket has the resources and experience to provide what you need in order to make informed decisions.  Call on us to refresh or start a dialog which will surely prove valuable for you.


MidMarket’s View: Protecting Your Flanks


MidMarket’s View: From the Front Line